In a remarkable address prior to the event, FIFA President Gianni Infantino responds to critics of the Qatar World Cup.

In a remarkable address prior to the event, FIFA President Gianni Infantino responds to critics of the Qatar World Cup.

Infantino: "I feel African, Arab, Qatari, gay, disabled, and migrant worker today, among other things. Before beginning to impart moral teachings, we Europeans should apologize for what we have done over the world over the past 3,000 years."
Before Sunday's first game in Doha, during a 45-minute Q&A session with the media, Infantino gave a long monologue in which he vehemently defended Qatar's policy on migrant labor and called those who claimed there were "paid fake fans" in Qatar racist.
The oppression of LGBTQ+ individuals and the deaths of migrant workers have dominated the World Cup build-up, but Infantino claimed that detractors were not in a position "to deliver moral lessons to people."
Infantino said: "Today I have strong feelings. Today I feel Qatari, I feel Arab, I feel African, I feel gay, I feel disabled, I feel a migrant worker.
Naturally, I am not from Qatar, nor am I an Arab, nor am I an African, nor am I homosexual, nor am I disabled. However, I feel that way because I understand what it's like to face prejudice and bullying while a foreigner in a foreign land. I experienced bullying as a child due of my red hair, freckles, and Italian heritage. I entered my room and sobbed.
"I feel bad for the Supreme Committee and FIFA workers. Here, they aim to deliver. I'm pleased to display the FIFA logo on my jacket. The World Cup will be the best one ever. Qatar is equipped.
"There are tens of thousands of women and men from poor nations who want to work overseas so they may support and provide for their families at home. Actually, Qatar is providing them with this chance. They relocate here and make ten times as much money as they would back home.
Before beginning to impart moral teachings to people, we Europeans should first apologize for what we have done in the last 3,000 years around the world.
How many of these European or Western corporations, which profit millions or even billions from Qatar, have raised the issue of migrant workers' rights with the authorities?
"None of them, because changing the law would reduce earnings. But we did, and FIFA brings in significantly less revenue from Qatar than any of these businesses."
In addition, Infantino addressed rumors that World Cup supporters were were paid to back various teams.
He declared, "We are organizing a World Cup, not a war, since the world is already too divided." "We have a World Cup where people with numerous issues want to attend and have fun. Take a look around the city; it's lovely. People enjoy celebrating.
"They were delighted when the teams visited them, and what have I read? These individuals shouldn't support England because they don't appear to be English and instead resemble Indians. And what is that?
Can someone who has Indian features not support Germany, Spain, or England? It's obvious what this is. This is blatantly racist behavior. Everyone has the freedom to cheer for whomever they like, so we must stop doing that.
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